Escobar was killed for the World Cup

Andrés Escobar was murdered by suicide goal This is not the death of Colombian footballer today.

Andrés Escobar's World Cup The Colombian Defender had a suicide goal in the 1994 World Cup. Colombia's departure in the group match against the United States was accelerating in Colombia Escobar was shot dead after returning home due to the suicide goal. But, what a great party was the country of Aspiria-Valeradam! But the receipt of the receipt did not match. He can not happen! But the case of Escobar's murder is still busted today in Colombian football. The world could have become an astonishing destination of joy and festivals, which sometimes can be a life threatening.
It has been said before, Colombia was a hot favorite with the exception of Colombia. Though football itself was a football legend, he was optimistic about the possibility of Colombia. Many people say that, with their best national team, they went to play in Colombia's World Cup. But in the first match, Romania lost to the United States in the second match and the World Cup ended. The difference was 3-0 against Romania and 2-1 against the United States. They only lifted the win against Switzerland. But the big time was delayed.
Nobody accepted Columbia's failure. But who else thought of the failure that Escobar would have to slip in this way? Midfielder Gabriel Gomez also received death threats. But Sokobar was shot dead and wanted to satisfy their anger, the fierce football fans.
"Thank you for your suicide goal." This line of Hamburgo Castro Manoj has got a permanent place in football fiction. Just before the shooting of Escobar it was the murderer!
However Escobar's friends and family Colombian coach Francis Maturana believed that Escobar was called for the daily terrorism in Colombia. Suicide bullets are only occasional occasions. But with the suicide goal of 1994, Colombia's departure from World Cup, and two weeks after the murder of Escobar in his hometown, many types of narrative were created.
Escobar has died after 24 years. But what surprises the killer could not do yet? He is a tragic hero of the World Cup

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